
Special Suggestions while using Dino for Best Possible Results in case of Sensitive Teeth (ठंडा गरम लगना) & Bleeding Gums or Pyorrhea Cases

In such cases using a Toothbrush should be a big No No.
If you been using a Special Sensitive Teeth or Bleeding Gums Toothpaste for a while, Do Not Stop using it immediately. These have tough medicines like painkillers in them & have had created a Dependency upon them, within you. But they need to Go so such Chemicals Do Not hurt you later. These toothpastes Should Only be Slowly Tapered Off while using the Dino alongside. Even while using these Special Toothpastes, use Only your Finger to Apply, till the time they get Successfully Tapered off.
The Dino should be used as a Mouthwash Only at all times in such cases.

Slowly when the situation improves & the Gums get Naturally Repaired with Dino, then Only attempt to use your finger, and that too very Gently. No Toothbrush ever.

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140 gms
100% Natural White & Soft
Powerful Enough
to Last Months
