Special Suggestions while using Dino for Best Possible Results in case of No Teeth/ Dentures/ Implants
People with half or full implants, people using Denture to chew food, or people without teeth have ONE COMMON PROBLEM – after they finish eating, quite a bit of food hides around the Gums, that simply does Not get Rinsed Out, even when they rotate water and swish it out.
They have to use their finger, to physically & manually clear out this food, from around the Gums.
Sometimes it does not get eliminated completely.
The Natural Healthy Solution :
If they add a pinch or two of Dino after each meal, directly into their mouth and add some water, and rotate it for a Minute, it shall not only clear all the food left in one go, but also Prevent & Naturally Cure any Gums Disease including Gums Pain. It Shall make the Gums stronger for a Healthier life ahead.